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PlaybooksSystemUser Guide

Connect to Your CRM

By September 4, 2020May 14th, 2021No Comments

Connect to Your CRM

How to Connect Playbooks to Your CRM

Connecting to Salesforce

The connection between your CRM and Playbooks allows you to primarily work directly from the Playbooks extension. To update information for all your prospects instantly, a link between Salesforce and Playbooks must be established. Only Salesforce requires this connection; other CRMs should be connected automatically.

To Connect to Salesforce

  1. Open Playbooks.
  2. Click the menu button (XANT logo).
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click CRM.
  5. Click Connect.
  6. Click Allow.

Sometimes, Salesforce will become disconnected from Playbooks. Playbooks will alert you that it has disconnected from your CRM with a banner. You can reconnect to your CRM directly from this banner. You may need to reload your Playbooks window to see the CRM reconnect banner.

To Reconnect to Salesforce from the Banner

  1. Open Playbooks
  2. Review banner.
  3. Click Connect.
  4. Click Allow.
Related Article: Adding People to Playbooks 
Click this message to learn how to add records from your CRM to Playbooks.

Connecting to Salesforce from the Playbooks Manager App

The connection to Salesforce can be reestablished from the Playbooks Manager App as well.

To Reconnect to Salesforce from the Playbooks Manager App

  1. Open the Playbooks Manager App.
  2. Open Settings.
  3. Click CRM.
  4. Click Salesforce Connection.
  5. Click Connect.
  6. Navigate to the pop-up window to allow access to Salesforce.
  7. Click Allow.

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