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Playbooks + SAP CRM Setup Guide

By June 18, 2019March 11th, 2021No Comments

Playbooks + SAP CRM Setup Guide

How do I set up Playbooks for SAP CRM?

Related Article: Playbooks Requirements

Before completing the steps below, click this message make sure that your organization meets the requirements to implement Playbooks.


Authentication Overview

Playbooks uses the OAuth 2 authentication built into SAP Hybris C4C to authenticate to the OData APIs. SAP Hybris C4C uses the OAuth 2.0 SAML Assertion Bearer Flow as documented by this specification from the IETF. To enable this, an OAuth 2 Identify Provider must be registered as well as an OAuth 2 Client.

OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider Registration

Authentication for Playbooks requires that an administrator set up an OAuth 2 Identity Provider for Playbooks.

To Set Up an OAuth 2 Identity Provider

  1. Click Administrator
  2. Click Common Tasks
  3. Click Configure OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider

Then configure a New OAuth 2.0 Provider. You will need to provide a name for the provider and upload the unique public key generated for your account. You’ll also want to ensure the User Account ID check box is selected.

The public key for your account which is uploaded in the Primary Signing Certificate field will be provided to you from your XANT account team when your account is created.

OAuth 2.0 Client Registration

Once the identity provider has been set up, you will need to register an OAuth 2.0 Client for Playbooks.

To Register an OAuth 2.0 Client

  1. Click Administrator
  2. Click OAUTH2.0 Client Registration
  3. Click New

Create a Client Secret which will be shared with XANT, enter a description and select the issuer that was created in the prior step (OAuth 2.0 Identity Provider Registration). Be sure to select the UIWC:CC_HOME scope.

It is important to note that you will need to provide to your XANT account team both the Client ID that is generated and the Client Secret you register so that Playbooks can successfully authenticate to SAP Hybris C4C.

The following diagram illustrates how the authentication flow between Playbooks and
SAP Hybris C4C functions.

Access User/Processing User

All API access from Playbooks is performed under the identity of a single user we call the Access User. A specific user should be either created or selected for Playbooks to use when accessing your C4C instance. You will provide the User ID of this designated Access User to XANT as part of the configuration process.

Access User/Processing User Permissions
The Access User must have the following permissions for Playbooks to function.

Note: This permission list may change before the integration is finalized.
Entity Name Read Write Create

Custom Fields


Playbooks will write task activity data back to SAP Hybris C4C. To this end, Playbooks requires the creation of custom fields to store information unique to its operations.

The following tables outline the fields that need to be added to each C4C entity type.


API Field Name Field Type Description/Notes
playbooks_LeadPlayName string Name of Play
playbooks_LeadStepNumber integer Step number in play
playbooks_LeadPlayStatus string Status of record in play
playbooks_LeadNextStepDue date/time Date/time next step in play is due
playbooks_LeadPlayInfoUpdated date/time Date/time play info was updated

Account and Contact

API Field Name Field Type Description/Notes
playbooks_AccountContactPlayName string Name of Play
playbooks_AccountContactStepNumber integer Step number in play
playbooks_AccountContactPlayStatus string Status of record in play
playbooks_AccountContactNextStepDue date/time Date/time next step in play is due
playbooks_AccountContactPlayInfoUpdated date/time Date/time play info was updated


API Field Name Field Type Description/Notes
playbooks_PlayName string Name of Play
playbooks_PlayStepId string Unique identifier for step
playbooks_PlayStepNumber integer Step number in play
playbooks_PlayStepType string Type of step in play
playbooks_EmailTemplateName string Name of email template used
playbooks_EmailOpened boolean Whether email was opened
playbooks_EmailOpenCount boolean Number of times email was opened
playbooks_EmailReplied boolean Whether email was replied to
playbooks_EmailReplyCount integer Number of replies
playbooks_EmailLinkClicked boolean Whether link in email was clicked
playbooks_EmailLinkClickCount integer Number of times links in email were clicked
playbooks_EmailLinksClickedData string Details about clicked links
playbooks_WasSuccessStep boolean Whether step was successful step in Play


API Field Name Field Type Description/Notes
playbooks_PlayName string Name of Play
playbooks_PlayStepId string Unique identifier for step
playbooks_PlayStepNumber integer Step number in play
playbooks_PlayStepType string Type of step in play
playbooks_CallDurationInSeconds integer Number of seconds spent on call
playbooks_CallRecordingURL string Link to call recording
playbooks_CallHour integer Hour of day call was made
playbooks_CallDisposition string Disposition of call
playbooks_CallId string Unique identifier for call
playbooks_RingDurationInSeconds integer Number of seconds ringing on call
playbooks_WasSuccessStep boolean Whether step was successful step in Play


API Field Name Field Type Description/Notes
playbooks_PlayName string Name of Play
playbooks_PlayStepId string Unique identifier for step
playbooks_PlayStepNumber integer Step number in play
playbooks_PlayStepType string Type of step in play
playbooks_WasSuccessStep boolean Whether step was successful step in Play
Related Article: O365 Setup for Playbooks Emails

Click this message for instructions to configure O365 for Playbooks Emails

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