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Manager GuidePowerDialer

User Permission Groups

By August 12, 2019No Comments

User Permission Groups

Understanding and Managing Permission Groups

Manage Permission Groups

Permission Groups are used to control the features available to PowerDialer users and managers in Salesforce.

Where to Find Permission Groups and Permission Options

To find your PowerDialer permission groups:

  1. Click on the InsideSales tab within Salesforce
  2. Under the ‘Administrator Tools’ section you’ll see the sub-section titled ‘User Management’, click on the ‘Permission Groups’ link
  3. You should see your permission groups with a link to edit them and whether or not they are active (someone is assigned)

The 3 Permission Groups

There are three standard permission groups. Administrator, Basic User, and Manager. The Administrator group cannot be edited and has access to all facets of the PowerDialer tool. The Basic User and Manger groups can be edited to have whatever permissions are deemed appropriate for the users assigned to these groups within your organization.

Permission Settings

The possible permission settings are broken down into their respective sections and defined.

(Please note that all “Action” permissions require the monitor calls permission.)

  • Action: Barge – Allows a monitoring user to barge in on active inbound and outbound calls through the call monitoring tool. Requires the Action: Listen permission.
  • Action: Disconnect Call – Allows a monitoring user to disconnect the client leg of an active inbound or outbound call through the call monitoring tool.
  • Action: Listen – Allows a monitoring user to listen to active inbound and outbound calls. This permission is required for Barge and Whisper.
  • Action: Logout – Allows a monitoring user to log reps out of the system. For example, if rep is away from their phone (taking a break, leaving for the end of the day, etc.) and still available for inbound, their manager can log them out.
  • Action: Start/Stop Recording – This column is no longer used and will be removed in a future release.
  • Action: View Record – Allows the monitoring user to click and open the Salesforce record the rep is speaking with. This is an effective tool for coaching.
  • Action: Whisper – Allows a monitoring user to whisper to another user on the phone and coach them. Requires the Action: Listen permission.
  • Call Recordings – Adds the Call Recordings link to the InsideSales tab. It also enables access to the call recording storage system.
  • List Progress Report – Adds the List Progress Report link to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to view all active seek lists, what records are currently in the list caches, how many records from the cache have been contacted, and when the lists last refreshed.
  • Monitor Calls – Adds the Monitor Calls link to the InsideSales tab. Enables access to open the call monitoring window where all the ‘action’ permissions can be utilized, and reps’ call statuses and queue assignments can be seen.
  • Neural Insights – Adds the Neural Insights Dashboard link to the InsideSales tab. This feature is not available by default, contact your InsideSales representative to enable the feature. This feature gives greater visibility for tracking productivity and performance when using Neural Scores.
  • Off-Site Call Recording Storage – Adds the Manage Call Recording Settings and the Off-Site Call Recording Storage links to the InsideSales tab. Manage Call Recordings enables access to general recording settings and storage options for recordings in Salesforce. The Off-Site Call Recording Storage enables access to transfer call recordings to an Amazon S3 storage account or an SFTP server but is not available by default. Contact your InsideSales representative to learn more about this feature.
  • Achievements – Adds a link for Achievements to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to create and modify achievements to reward reps for hitting certain milestones.
  • Challenges – Adds a link for Challenges to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to create and modify challenges that motivate and reward reps for being the best at a specific metric (i.e. dials, contacts, appointments, etc.) within a designated time frame.
  • Create Dashboards – Adds a button on the Manage Dashboards page to create new dashboards within PowerStandings. Without this permission, users that have the ‘Manage Dashboards’ permission can still launch, view, and edit existing dashboards.
  • Key Performance Indicators – Adds a link for Key Performance Indicators to the InsideSales tab. Enables the ability to access and alter KPIs used within PowerStandings.
  • KPI Totals Adjuster – Adds a link for KPI Totals Adjuster to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to add or remove PowerStandings points from reps.
  • Manage Dashboard (Compatibility) – This Permission is no longer used and will be removed in a future version of the application. Do not enable this permission.
  • Manage Dashboards – Adds a link for Manage Dashboards to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to launch, view, and edit existing dashboards within PowerStandings.
  • Manage Leaderboards – Adds a link for Manage Leaderboards to the InsideSales tab. Enables the ability to edit the content and function of leaderboards.
  • Manage Points – This setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future product release.
  • Manage Teams – Adds a link for Manage Teams to the InsideSales tab. This enables access to create and edit PowerStandings teams (groupings for challenges and leaderboards – typically people who have similar roles and KPIs).
  • Allow Manual Dial – Adds a box to the top of the Click to Call panel that allows reps to manually enter in phone numbers for outbound dialing. Without this enabled, reps will only be able to click on phone numbers in the CRM to make outbound dials.
  • Can Change Caller-ID In Click-to-Call – Adds the Caller ID setting to the Click to Call panel settings. This enables reps to control what caller ID will be displayed when they make outbound dials.
  • Can Stop Recordings – Allows a rep to manually stop a call recording that was started either by themselves or by the InsideSales system through recording ratios and call path settings.
  • Display Caller-ID In Use – Displays the Caller-ID to the rep that is being used when an outbound call is placed from the Click-to-Call panel. (Best Practice: Enable this permission if a user will be toggling between Caller ID options and also if they will be using Local Presence.)
  • Enable Direct Inbound Only Status – Enables a rep to only be available for calls to their direct inbound number and stay unavailable for all other inbound rep queue calls.
  • Limit search results to record owners – This setting is no longer used and will be removed in a future product release.
  • View All Public and Private Voice Messages – This relates to the Manage Voice Messages Permission by adding the ability to see pre-recorded voice messages that have not been publicly shared. This is an auditing tool best reserved for managers.

Best Practices

  • Limit the number of Administrators. As mentioned above, someone added to the Administrator permission group has access to all areas of PowerDialer for Salesforce and the ability to create/delete/edit your call paths, seek lists, voice messages, users, leaderboards, etc. The fewer people who are a part of this group, the easier it will be to manage wide reaching changes to how PowerDialer is used by your basic users and managers.
  • Grant minimum access needed. For those Basic Users and Managers, you’ll want to give them the minimum access needed to perform their day to day functions and fulfill their roles within your organization. Generally, any permission that allows a user to affect other users is not appropriate for an end user and should be reserved for managers or admins.
  • Disconnect Call & Logout Permission: Regarding the Action: Disconnect Call and Action: Logout permissions, we do not recommend giving these permissions to anyone other than administrators for trouble-shooting.
  • When using Local Presence: The Display Caller-ID In Use permission setting is useful when reps are placing calls using Local Presence as it allows them to be aware of what Caller-ID to reference while on calls.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How can I add other Permission Groups? I’d like more than 3 options.
A: If your organization is set up such that three permission groups do not encompass all of your users, you can get in touch with your InsideSales representative to learn more about enabling additional permission groups.

Q: How do I assign my users to a permission group?
A: This is taken care of my using the ‘Manage Users’ link within the InsideSales tab in your Salesforce. Please reference the following link to our article where we cover the permission group setting within a users profile.

Q: How do I enable call recording?
A: This is taken care of my using the ‘Manage Users’ link within the InsideSales tab in your Salesforce. Please reference the following link to our article where we cover the call recording settings within a users profile.

Q: How do I enable a user to see the click to call dialer panel?
A: This is not a permission that is handled within the InsideSales tab and is actually addressed within Salesforce. Please reference the following link to our article where we detail this step by step.

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