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Manager GuidePowerDialer

Managing InsideSales PowerDialer Users

By August 12, 2019February 7th, 2020No Comments

Managing InsideSales PowerDialer Users

This article covers how to update and add users and layouts within the InsideSales system.

Manage Users

Admins and managers for the InsideSales system are tasked to manage and handle users. This article gives insights and instructions on how to manage those users through actions such as updating and adding users and updating layouts from Salesforce.

The Manage Users page allows administrators to configure individual reps, add additional reps, or perform other administrative actions around reps. The Manage users page is designed for administrators or managers, and is not intended for use by individual sales reps.

Adding Users

Users can be quickly added to the InsideSales product. Only Salesforce users can be added to the InsideSales system – all users must have a Salesforce license.

Select the users you want to activate with Salesforce by checking the box next to the applicable user names and clicking the Add Users button at the bottom of the page. All reps that are added will be automatically assigned a PowerDialer license. If your Salesforce organization has thousands of users, it may be necessary to use the employee sorting and filtering to find the appropriate users.

To Add New Users

  1. Click the InsideSales tab
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Click the Add New Users button
  4. Search for and check the desired users
  5. Click Add Users
Related Article: Add a New User Click this message to view a more in depth guide to adding a new user, customizing their settings and license assignments.  This article will also instruct you on how the new user will Authorize the PowerDialer.
Note: The InsideSales system restricts the number of users that can be active at any time to the total number of licenses purchased. You are unable to add more users than the quantity of licenses purchased. InsideSales only support Salesforce users with the Salesforce license.

Editing Users

To edit users, follow steps 1-3 above but click Edit next to the user you want to make changes to, then Save.

Deactivating Users

When you need to remove a rep from accessing InsideSales, deactivate the user and unassign their license. Multiple users can be deactivated simultaneously by using the Mass Update functionality.

To Deactivate Users

  1. Click the InsideSales tab
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Click Deactivate next to a user
  4. Verify action and click OK 
Note: When a rep is deactivated in Salesforce, the rep will automatically be deactivated in InsideSales at midnight Mountain Time the next day.

Searching for Users

If a specific user needs to be found, they can be searched for using the search functionality on the Manage Users page. Searches can be performed for specific users, or all users within a role.

To Search for Users

  1. Click the InsideSales tab
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Click the Filter by Employee drop-down
  4. Select the desired filter option
  5. Enter in a search value, click GO!

Mass Updating Users

InsideSales makes mass updating PowerDialer users easy with the Mass Update feature. To apply a single user configuration to multiple users at once, you can utilize the Mass Update functionality. For example, this is particularly useful if you want to assign multiple users to the same permission group, enable call recordings for all your reps, or change the Click to Call Caller-ID to a specific value for multiple reps.

To Mass Update Users

  1. Click the InsideSales tab
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Select the desired users
  4. Press the Mass Update Select Users button
  5. Select the setting to mass update
  6. Enter or select the appropriate value
  7. Click the Update button

Updating Users from Salesforce

Periodically if changes are made to users within Salesforce, you may need to re-sync users down to the InsideSales system. InsideSales automatically syncs users from Salesforce at midnight Mountain time. This button should only be pressed when instructed by InsideSales Support.

To Update Users from Salesforce

  1. Click the InsideSales tab
  2. Click Manage Users
  3. Click the Update Users from Salesforce button
  4. Once the update is completed, a success notification is displayed
Note: Depending on how many users there are in your Salesforce organization, this process can take a considerable amount of time and use significant API calls.

User Settings

This sections provides descriptions of the settings you will encounter in the processes above.

  • First Name and Last Name – Displays the first name of the rep, as entered in the User object in Salesforce. This value cannot be changed through InsideSales and is only provided for convenience.
  • Click-to-Call Caller-ID – Sets the default Caller-ID that will be used for all outbound calls that a rep places. From here you can set the default Caller-ID for your reps.
    NOTE – If the Can Change Caller-ID setting is enabled through permission groups, reps can change their Caller-ID themselves and override this setting.
  • Permission Group – Sets which permission group an individual is assigned to. This controls which InsideSales links and features a rep has access to.
  • Country & International Dialing – Sets which country a rep is located in. This is used by the InsideSales system to know which dialer server is closest to the user, and will route calls thru that dial server.
    International Dialing allows an individual rep to place calls to phone numbers located outside of the United States. This setting must be enabled to place calls to or from international locations. If you check the box for International Dialing, you MUST enter a country in the country field.
    NOTE – Contact InsideSales Support to be begin using international dialing. By default, you are set to only use the US dialer server regardless of the country selected in this field.
  • Sales Role / Target Market – The Sales Role sets the type of user the rep is. There is no impact to permissions based on this field’s selection.
    The Target Market sets the market that an individual rep focuses on.
    The information on both of these fields is used to inform the Neuralytics platform and performance. The fields have no bearing on Salesforce or InsideSales permissions.
  • Minimum Record Time – Sets the minimum amount of time a call must be for a call recording to be kept. The call recording starts immediately when the call is placed or received, but is discarded once the call ends if it does not reach the minimum record time. Set in seconds.
  • Inbound Call Restrictions – Restricts inbound calls a rep can receive based on the area-code of the inbound caller. Reps can only receive inbound calls from area codes contained within the selected area code groups.

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